Thursday, 31 January 2013

An Introduction

Books. The source of the past; of characters and opinion; of knowledge and wisdom. These have been mildly present the past couple of years - but not in any quantity I could appreciate.
You see, I got distracted. The internet. Source of knowledge, wisdom and social networking. I've been productive, sure. Relatively. Mildly.
The awesomeness that was 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' in 2005 prompted a mostly complete read into Roald Dahl's bibliography, save for a few books I happened not to purchase and his short story catalogue. Other reading that quickly succeeded that came in the form of Horrible Histories, Horrible Science, Horrible Geography and Captain Underpants.
This lasted a few years; then died down.
I made a promise in Year 7 to read "at least a chapter a day." This promise was forgotten about, ignored - yet it was easily achievable. But, I've taken myself up on that; exceeded a chapter several fold.
Reading The Fault in Our Stars this January, I rediscovered what it meant to be first person prose. Other books, I've seen the effectiveness of the third person narrative.
Active reading is necessary to understand the enjoyability of reading. Words on a page should not, logically, construct into such depth - yet, it does.
Unless I become busy - and, exam revision and the forthcoming sixth form are sure to bring that onto me - the reading shall continue. It will (hopefully) continue with sixth form anyway - at least for class, not solely for entertainment.
Unless I lose the fulfilment I currently enjoy, I'll offer thoughts on every book I read - at least, every book I read contemporary to this blog. Recalling the positives and negatives of a book I read seven years ago would be a difficult - and time consuming - feat I don't wish to attempt.
Updates should be regular - and, I promise, I'll try not to procrastinate from it.

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